QGSAT™: Pioneering Quantum Blockchain Satellite Technology for a Connected Future

QGSAT™ is set to revolutionize IoT with its Quantum Blockchain Satellite technology, seamlessly integrated with a terrestrial quantum mesh network. As we gear up for a world with over 20 billion connected devices by 2020, QSAT™ steps in to cater to the unprecedented communication needs of our era. Bridging the gaps in global connectivity, QSAT™ ensures that IoT devices remain tethered, regardless of location. While WiFi, Bluetooth, and other wireless connections become ubiquitous, QSAT™ pushes the boundaries, providing industries with secure terrestrial wireless services at speeds 1.5 times faster than fiber, complemented by reduced latencies. Leveraging QGSAT™ QG Wave Frequency and synergizing it with the quantum mesh network, we're paving the way for end-to-end orbital and terrestrial Quantum Generation™ connectivity.


QSAT Blockchain Satellite Quantum Secure Connectivity 

QSAT Blockchain Satellite IoT and M2M Networks for quantum secure connectivity for reliable IoT and M2M communications, no matter how remote. QSAT global satellite IoT platform dedicated to M2M, enabling the quantum mesh network and AI cyber security.  

QSAT™ (QubitSat)
Quantum Generation Ltd. 
British Virgin Islands

Office : + 350-2000-8085
North America
Research & Development

Site: qsat.ai
